11 Mar Las Vegas Desert Photo Shoot

While attending WPPI in Las Vegas (a bigger than big conference and tradeshow for wedding and portrait photographers) Denise and I decided that we’d like to do a styled shoot, out in the desert. It’s a perfect fit, being in Colorado, it’s a quick trip to shoot Las Vegas destination wedding photography. Plus, taking a break from snowy Colorado to a warm, dreamy, comfortable Nevada desert photo shoot is a no brainer, right? Right now, even as I type this, I get all warm and cozy just thinking about it.
Too bad it didn’t happen.
Now, I’ve been to Vegas a number of times. To be fair, those past times I visited…I drank a considerable amount more but not once can I remember a single raindrop falling. Come to think of it, I don’t even recall a single cloud.
Of course, the day of our photo shoot it’s starts to rain, then the rain starts to freeze and at one point I think it actually turned to snow. And it wasn’t pretty snow that gently fell down, speckled and sweetly embraced our brave model’s hair. No. It was angry, beating, wet sideways snow. The kind of snow that makes you say “who’d go out in this mess?!?” like your grandma would say. The temperature ranged that day from “what the freakin’ freaky freak is this (except we didn’t say ‘freak’) to “lets run back to the freakin’ car to get freakin’ warm before my freakin’ fingers fall off (once again we didn’t say ‘freak’).
Wanna hear something funny? Earlier that day in our hotel room I actually asked Denise if she brought sunscreen. I was concerned my face would get sun burned. I was also worried about snakes. I hate snakes. <Insert face palm eye roll combo here.>
But through it all, our models Kasi and Roger prevailed and we couldn’t be happier with the images we came away with. Many thanks to everyone who helped pulled this together, esp Stephanie Reeder for organizing everything and to our trooper models who didn’t let the nasty weather stop them- thank you, thank you, thank you!
Model: Kasandra & Roger Peters
Location: Red Rock Canyon, Nevada
Hair: Margaret Johnston
Makeup: Sin City MUA
Dress: The Dress Theory
Suite: H&M
Flowers: The Palette
Rentals: RSVP Rental
Creative Design: Stephanie Reeder
Posted at 17:15h, 12 MarchWhat an amazing location! Great job! Question for you–since you’re in CO, how difficult was it to set up a styled shoot in Vegas and how did you go about it? I’d love to hear coordination details!
Posted at 18:02h, 12 MarchThanks Jennie! The shoot was produced by Stephanie Reeder, so we didn’t have to coordinate anything, Stephanie did all the leg work. Super easy for us 🙂 If you make it to Vegas for WPPI next year, I’d highly recommend doing a shoot out or two.. good times.
Posted at 17:35h, 12 MarchLove this! Also, what are the freakin chances of rain in Vegas on your shoot day?! But your photos turned out amazing, and make me want to do a Vegas desert shoot!
Posted at 18:05h, 12 MarchThanks! Rain, snow and sleet..in the Nevada desert! Nuts. But definitely a fun time.
Sarah H
Posted at 20:37h, 12 MarchYour poor models! So beautiful still. Leave it to mother nature to mess with your plans!
Posted at 03:13h, 13 MarchRight? We felt so bad for them and they never complained (at least not to our faces). Photographers Rule #1: Murphy’s Law rules all. Definitely kept us on our toes for sure!
Posted at 21:25h, 12 MarchIncredible! Love your beautiful romantic style…with a touch of humor!
Posted at 03:16h, 13 MarchThanks Julie! That’s such a compliment, we like to keep things professional but we’re naturally quite playful and fun. I’m glad it comes across in our photos.
Posted at 05:57h, 13 MarchThese images are STUNNING!
Kylie Bishop
Posted at 10:18h, 28 OctoberThese are beautiful! I NEED to know where that fur jacket is from!!